Helping teachers integrate technology into instruction

I love LiveBinders!  I especially love finding LiveBinders of interest to me that other people have already created and shared!  So, what are LiveBinders?  Here is a 1½ minute video that explains LiveBinders for Teachers.

How cool is that????  Just think about the possibilities…if you’re doing a project-based learning unit and want a central place to put online resources; or for a research project; or for all of the online resources your students will need over the semester!

Here are a few LiveBinders that you can check out.  You don’t have to look at all of them, but you should check out at least two of them to get an idea of how they can be used.

You can search on the LiveBinders website for topics that are of interest to you.  Start by entering your search term in the search box at the top right of the screen, and make sure that you are searching in All Public Binders.

Let’s Practice!

You can also register on the LiveBinders website to create your own shelf.  When you do that, you are able to not only create your own binders, but also to “share” binders that other people have already created!

To sign up, click on the Sign Up link at the top, right hand side of the screen.  Fill in the required fields and then click the Sign Up button at the bottom of the page.

Once you are logged in, you are ready to create a new binder.  On the left side of the page, you will see a link that says Start a Blank Binder – click on it.  A page will pop up that looks like this:

Fill in the name of your binder, and description of your binder, and choose whether you want to make your binder Public or Private.  For the purpose of this exercise, choose No for the option of using Google to fill the binder; however, when you have time, go back and try this out by filling a binder with a Google search term!!  It’s a great way to fill a binder if you a certain that you have solid search parameters!  When you are finished, click Create New Binder.

That’s an overview of LiveBinders!  I have found some really great ones that I refer to for Common Core, Library Media, and Instructional Technology.  Hopefully, you will find some that interest you AND maybe find ways that you can use them with your students or colleagues!  What do you think?

Comments on: "Week 4, May 23rd: LiveBinders" (8)

  1. I looked over several LiveBinders for 7th grade classes and Web 2.0 for Secondary Teachers. I think this will be an excellent place to put general information for the classroom, especially since we are trying to use less paper. I can see using this for all the hand-outs that are usually passed out the first few days of school and general information on your class. As the semester goes on I can add study guides for tests and any project information.

  2. I created a binder. I need to play with it a little more. I currently use Portaportal to store websites I’d like my students to have easy access to. I’d like to explore LiveBinders to see if it will be better for me in 2nd grade than Portaportal.

  3. I love LiveBinders! What a great way to organize online resources.

  4. okarrdms said:

    I love using LiveBinders. It is a great way to organize units, share information with my students, and collaborate with others. I have found some great binders on using technology and about various novels I teach throughout the year.

  5. Wow! That is exciting… I can see using it as Moodle is used; a resource for parents, for example phonemic awareness acitivities… most parents really need resources to help with this skill.

  6. I am currently looking at Live Binders, as well as Edmodo and Dropbox, for use this upcoming year as more student-friendly, as well as teacher-friendly, alternatives to our access now. I have been using Diigo to bookmark and have been happy with it, but Live Binders is more visual and probably more student friendly.

  7. My daughter has used this in Creative Writing to store all her work. She continues to add to it even in the summer.

  8. I have found some incredible LiveBinders over the past few weeks, but have never made one myself.